Started 1/5/2020
The monster willow is ideal for shading grazing animals, but years of accumulated wood prevented the grass from growing well and the tractor from mowing underneath. The dead branches were treacherous for the tractor driver too. So, after three days of sawing, moving limbs in the trailer, and two huge burn piles, the tree one load short of being ready for grazing cows (or pigs?).
A first for us, after a $25 purchase of a bander, we recruited a neighbor and were ready to emasculate little Gabe. Without complication, he has become a steer.
Crabapple trees provide food for birds, beauty, and best of all, jelly. But they make a terrible mess if the fruit is unharvestable. We have a love-hate relationship with our crabapple tree near the front door. Despite trimming the last two years, the main stem needed to come down about 15 feet!
After remarking to Kyra "I knew it was going to hit me," she said, "it wasn't that big a branch." |
Josh: Founder, father Archives
March 2024