After funding was committed by a beloved Christian brother, and a commitment from Kellen to help with construction, we embarked on construction of the poultry processing facility. Between January and mid-March, we completed the framing, electrical, insulation, and sheetrock on the interior of all walls, and exterior of some. Yet to do is: concrete under the walls; plumbing under the floor; pouring the floor; taping/texturing; painting ; pressurized plumbing; final wiring; and WSDA inspection! Dad and I drove down to northern CA to get Aluminum roofing for broiler cages, per Joel Salatin's strong recommendation in Polyface Designs. We now have enough for over 15 cages, capable of holding up to 75 broilers per cage! It was $3k including travel, far cheaper than buying new from the Midwest. Metal was dirty, so I pressure washed - note to reader: check oil.... Praise God they had listed a nearly identical, like-new pressure washer on FB marketplace the day before, and gave us a discount on it after I cooked our engine!
Josh: Founder, father Archives
March 2024