Occurred over the week of 10/27-11/2/19
Dad rented an excavator and for one busy week totally transformed the large (originally the stallion pasture) ground piece into a terraced and graveled place. Also, he leveled the front yard and behind the house and to the east of the house, over top of the septic tank. He also dug a sort of pond thing down at the bottom of the property. The top picture is a picture taken from the top of the road looking down, the house is to the right and unseen in the picture, the top right picture is a picture of the graveled drive way, the road is up on the left, the picture below this text is before the gravel and clearly shows some of the terracing, the picture to the right of it is a view from near the front door showing the front yard, and the big picture second to the bottom picture shows the east side, over top of the septic tank, and the very bottom is a view of the back of the house just before it was completely leveled.
At last, we decided on the fate of the big concrete steps that have been in the way for so long. We rented a jack hammer and it took Dad about 2 hours to break them up into movable pieces, and we loaded them into the white utility trailer and hauled them to the dump.
Painted early October with a very nice loaner paint gun (thank you Mills), deeply discounted paint (thank you Barndt's), motivation and help from Matt (Josh's dad), and a bunch of paint covered kiddos. Pictured after step removal and cleanup. The satisfaction and sense of completeness of this mortgage-readied home is bitter-sweetly-difficult to describe.
Josh: Founder, father Archives
March 2024