can i tour your facility?
We love to give tours of our farm! Please contact us to schedule a time.
does my fridge temperature matter?
Raw milk lasts longer and tastes fresher if your fridge is kept below 35 F, so it is best to turn your fridge down. It also adds shelf life to not store it in the door and to transport it home in a cooler with ice.
Do you sell other raw dairy products?
Not at this time. In addition to raw whole milk, the WSDA only allows the sale of raw skim milk, aged hard cheeses and hand-skimmed cream. However this is not economically viable for us as we must bottle the milk, let it sit for 48 hours to allow the cream to rise to the top, and then re-open the jar, skim it with a ladle, and then re-bottle it. We give raw cream a shelf life of about a week when separated from the milk. This process would make the cream 3 or 4 days old by the time it got sold, depending on when a customer picked it up. We would also need to buy new jars and labels and provide a monthly sample for free to WSDA. We do not have a market for skim milk and its shelf life would be short like the cream. Given these constraints, we do not sell cream or skim milk. If you want to 'buy' cream, we suggest that you purchase half or whole gallons and skim the cream.
how do you make raw butter, soft or hard cheeses, sour cream, etc.?
Most of what we know we learned from our two favorite dairy recipe books.
"The Art of Natural Cheesemaking" by David Asher
"Home Cheese Making" by Ricki Carroll 3rd Edition
We are happy to teach or share how we make sour cream, butter, yogurt, soft and hard cheese, cottage cheese, and kefir.
"The Art of Natural Cheesemaking" by David Asher
"Home Cheese Making" by Ricki Carroll 3rd Edition
We are happy to teach or share how we make sour cream, butter, yogurt, soft and hard cheese, cottage cheese, and kefir.
What are your hours?
Customers may pickup milk 6 days a week from 7am-8pm.
- Sundays
- Thanksgiving Day
- December 24th and 25th
Do you have group pickups?
We encourage you to create group milk pickups, we are happy to try and connect you with other milk customers in your area if available. Please contact us to schedule a pickup to ensure we have an adequate supply on the selected day.
do you have a jar deposit?
No we do not. We ask that you pay $5 for each broken jar(s) and $1 for each lid. Please wash with hot soapy water all jars and lids before returning.
do you have other retail outlets or milk drop locations?
Currently our milk is available only at our farm. If you or someone you know has an extra fridge and would like to be a drop point for individuals, please let us know. We are open to other ideas or proposals.
why is there no price for the milk?
Click here to read Kyra's blog entry about her motivations.
Josh's motivations are similar, but he is not as concise. Feel free to ask him about any one of the following motivational factors: health, local economy, food system resilience, corporate politics, Jesus' example, or any topic of interest to you, but be prepared for information overload.
Josh's motivations are similar, but he is not as concise. Feel free to ask him about any one of the following motivational factors: health, local economy, food system resilience, corporate politics, Jesus' example, or any topic of interest to you, but be prepared for information overload.